Anderson Lopes

Conversation on the learnings and challenges from someone who left everything behind in the pandemic to get to know Brazil in a bicycle, being socially distant while moving, getting to […]

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Eduardo Sarmento

Conversation about creativity as a imagining consciousness of healing oneself. From home to cultural spaces, which are the oasis and deserts that humanity is inhabiting? Memory, imagination and the dream […]

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Rita Mendonça

Conversation about the models and experiences of education amidst nature. In the context of a pandemic reality, what is the importance of (re)connecting to nature?  Are we preserving ourselves for […]

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Leonardo Moraes

Conversation inspired by the plurality and strength of the artistic and cultural African diasporic movements in Brazil. What is not Culture? What is music and is not? What is the […]

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Daiara Tukano

Conversation on the origin of the world, nature, health, art and the cosmovision of the Tukano people. Discussing the urgency and need for detoxifying the colonial thinking for transforming current […]

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Nadam Guerra (Renata)

Conversation about the connection between art, nature and spirituality. The creation as a magical act that has a real transformation power. The oracle and the dream as tools for self-understanding […]

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Catarina Duncan

Conversation about themes that connect nature, culture, technology, and the need to integrate and potentialize the individual and collective territories. Catarina dives in the creative immersions in from Festival ManiFesta […]

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Maria Eugênia Salcedo

Cultural manager, curator, educator and researcher in the field of museums, contemporary art and culture. She has been in the cultural area since 2002 as educator, museum mediator, artist, teacher, […]

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Maurício Panella

Anthropologist and multimedia artist, with a PhD in Visual Arts by the Universidad de Granada- Spain. He dedicates himself to the creation of multilanguage artistic projects and to the coordination […]

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