
An exhibition of banners in fabric with the illustrations of Parque das Dunas’ flora and fauna is laid out throughout all light poles on Lover’s Grove’s ring road.

Through this material, the visitors feel captivated to get to know Jornada and the content developed by it. This is one of the ways our team has to spread information on our supporters through the disclosure of their logos.

Mother Earth House

The public sculpture Mother Earth House was created in 2003. Since its creation, cultural and educational activities are offered around it. Mother Earth House is one of the characters of Jornada no Bosque’s Game. Inside of it, visitors have an augmented reality experience. The sculpture can be found next to the Art Workshop, enabling the development of joint activities between these two pieces of construction in the Park.

Art Workshop

The art workshop is our headquarters inside Parque das Dunas. It is in this area that our Education team welcomes the visiting public to experience the activities created by Jornada. The space is made of an external covered area with the capacity of receiving around 30 seated people. The internal area of the art workshop has a reception room, an additional room for material storage, two bathrooms and a large sink for the cleaning and organization of materials.