Nadam Guerra (Renata)

Conversation about the connection between art, nature and spirituality. The creation as a magical act that has a real transformation power. The oracle and the dream as tools for self-understanding and reading of symbolical comprehension of the world. What do you need to know now? What is the fundamental questions we must ask?

Visual Artist interested in the connections between art and magic. She acts as teacher at the Parque Lage Visual Art School, teaching performance, dream and tarot, among other things also as coordinator of the program of Artistic Residence at Ecovila Terra UNA since 2007.

Acesse as outras Sombra e água fresca

Eduardo Sarmento

Rita Mendonça

Leonardo Moraes

Daiara Tukano

Nadam Guerra (Renata)

Catarina Duncan

Maria Eugênia Salcedo

Maurício Panella