The Journey
Jornada no Bosque – A Natureza na Cidade is a program that recognizes and spreads the cultural and natural heritage of the city of Natal and Brazil through the creation of artistic products and pedagogical activities aiming to strengthen Parque das Dunas’ image as an important Conservation Unit as well as an open-air museum.

The program is conducted by three axis that guide our actions: the research on the biodiversity and artistic-cultural expressions; the creative process that produces distinct languages which are constructed for interaction with the public; an educational program that creates workshops and presentations that provide to the reflection and the artistic and sensible contact with nature.
History 2019

In 2018, with the support of Parque das Dunas’ management, Jornada was approved by the Municipal Law Djalma Maranhão and sponsored by Unimed Natal and Luck Receptivo. Our museum program is aware of the world technological innovations and wishes to stimulate the knowledge on the park’s biodiversity through a gamified experience in Augmented
and Virtual Reality. In 2019 we dedicated ourselves to the productions that serve as tools to sensitize the visitors’ relationship to nature. The first stages of the Game Jornada do Bosque were produced, an open-air exhibit of illustrations, an illustrated map, a pedagogical set, aside from having carried out a series of adequacies on Parque das Dunas’ physical spaces, such as the art workshop.
On the second half of 2019, we started the systematization phase to take our Program to the capital’s public schools, with the support of the city and state education secretariats, in which schools from the city and the state prepare to have out products and methods that were developed on this first phase of Jornada no Bosque.